Gratisversand ab 25,64 €

Fügen Sie Produkte hinzu, indem Sie Codes hinzufügen

Fügen Sie eine CSV-Datei hinzu
Geben Sie die Codes der Produkte ein, die Sie in großen Mengen in den Warenkorb legen möchten (nach einem Komma, mit einem Leerzeichen oder von einer neuen Zeile). Durch mehrmaliges Wiederholen des Codes wird dieser Artikel so oft hinzugefügt, wie er angezeigt wird.

Privacy and Cookies Policy

I. Processor of personal data and purpose of the processing

Personal information provided in connection  and use of the Online Shop are processed by MORE ECO sp. z o.o. (LLC), pl. Solny 14/3, 50-062 Wrocław, NIP 897-177-95-62, REGON: 021773970, which is the administrator of the data within the meaning of the Act of 29 August 1997 on Personal Data Protection.

The personal data are processed:

   - for the implementation of the order for products that are in range of Online Shop
   - for the consideration of the complaint and refund of benefits in case of termination of the contract (the return of the goods);
   -  for marketing purposes, including sending electronic business information (only if subscribed to newsletter)

Any person who gave their personal data, has the right to inspect them, the right to update and to request its removal. Personal data can be independently edit and delete (after logging into website). Such a request can also be sent by electronic mail to:

II. Safety Rules

Company MORE ECO sp. z o.o. provides data security through appropriate technical and organizational measures and take care especially:

- about correct processing in accordance with the law,
- about use them only for specified purposes and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes,
accurate and up to date,
about processing in accordance with the rights of individuals.

III. Cookies policy

When you use the online store (via computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.),Your IP address, domain name, browser type, operating system type, browser is saved in cookies files.

Internet Store uses two types of cookies: session and permanent. Session files are temporary files that are stored until You log out of the online store, leave online store, or  close your browser. Permanent files are stored on your device for the time specified in the parameters of the file or until you delete them.

How we use cookies?

a) The files required to operate the Shop - These files allow proper functioning online store.

b) files to ensure the safety of transactions within the store. None of these files will prevent the safe completion of the transaction;

c) Statistical files - enables the collection of statistical information

d) functional files - files for storage of settings and preferences.

e) Social files - enabling the integration of social networking sites (eg. Facebook)

If you do not agree to save files on your device change your browser settings, or allow the device to save cookies files
